Study finds areas with one public charging point for every 85 vehicles

There were 36 electric cars on the road to every standard public charger across the UK last year. Some regions have fared worse than others.

The gulf between the number of electric vehicles on the road and public charge points has more than doubled in parts of the country in a year.

Industry figures obtained by The Times show that the gap widened in all but one region last year, casting a shadow over the government’s attempt to boost uptake of EVs.

Across the UK there were 36 electric cars on the road to every standard public charger last year, compared with 31 at the end of 2021.

In the northwest of England, the worst-served area, there were 85 EVs to every charger by the end of last year, compared with 49 in 2021. The ratio was 78:1 in the southwest, up from 44:1; 43:1 in Northern Ireland.

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The article was written by – Ben Clatworthy